Burn Fat Fast

By Marianne McGinnis

Lose stubborn belly flab and tone up all over with this fast, easy plan.

MAIN MOVE: Tree [Firms sides of abs]

Stand with feet together, arms at sides. Place sole of left foot on inside of right thigh, knee bent to side. Touch palms in front of chest for 2 breaths. On third inhale, extend arms up, fingertips toward ceiling. Exhale, and on the inhale, bend torso to left. Inhale and straighten. Repeat 3 to 5 times, pressing foot into thigh; switch sides.

Make it Easier: Keep left foot on calf or touch toes to floor for balance.

Make it Harder: Close eyes as you balance and bend.

MAIN MOVE: Rocking Boat [Firms abs and back]

Sit with knees bent, feet on floor, hands on thighs. With torso straight and head in line with body, lean back about 45 degrees, raising feet so calves are parallel to floor, toes pointed. On an inhale, extend arms and legs, keeping legs together. Exhale, and as you inhale, lower torso and legs 3 to 4 inches so body forms a wider V shape. Exhale and raise torso and legs. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Make it Easier: Hold backs of thighs with hands and keep legs bent. Lower torso only.

Make it Harder: Once in the wider V position, extend arms overhead.