Weak immune system
Yoga Cures:
Weak Immune System
By Marissa Conrad
If you're always getting sick, your immune system--a team of trillions of white blood cells that, when it’s healthy, attacks unwelcome invaders like viruses --may be to blame. Immunity can be weaker in some people than others depending on several factors, including the route by which these invaders enter the body (for example, nose vs. mouth) and how well the body demolished these invaders in the past, reports the National Institute of Health.
Yoga can help stimulate the four main physiological systems that are linked to the immune system: the circulatory system, the digestive system, the nervous system and the endocrine system, says Surya Kolpakov, LMT, Certified Yoga Therapist, owner of Aranama Studio in Newton Center, MA. Poses that affect at least one of these four systems help bolster immune system function, says Kolpakov, who teaches workshops on yoga and the immune system. “For example, I’ve found that Bow pose is one of the best ways to stimulate digestion and improve immunity,” he says. To help stave off colds and other pesky bugs, he recommends these immunity-boosting poses:
Dynamic Immune Boosting Sequence (Down Dog Vinyasa):
This short dynamic sequence, which targets the circulatory system, is an excellent all-around warm-up. It stretches and strengthens most major muscle groups and promotes circulation, helping white blood cells move through the body to fight invaders.
Begin in the Tabletop position splaying your fingers out wide on the mat to create a firm base. Lift your hips up into Downward Facing Dog. Take a couple of long breaths here. Slowly lower the hips down and bring the body parallel to the floor into Plank pose. If comfortable, lower the hips even further to the floor into the Upward Facing Dog (knees off the floor) or Cobra pose (release knees to floor). In either Cobra or Up Dog, avoid locking the elbows, keep the back long, and stretch the whole front of the body by gently lifting the chest. Keep the neck just in line with the spine, gently stretch the chin forward without pinching the neck and take another long breath. On your next inhale, smoothly and fluidly move back to Down Dog by curling your toes under, pressing your palms firmly into the floor, lifting your knees off the floor and raising your hips up toward the sky. Straighten your knees as much as comfortable. Exhale right back to Plank pose, and inhale slowly to Up Dog or Cobra, exhale to Plank, inhale to Down Dog, and keep going for 5 to 8 rounds, or until your body feels complete with this practice.
Bow Pose:
Bow pose puts pressure on the belly, which makes the digestive system stronger and healthier by sending blood flow to the abdominal organs. Since the digestive system is full of lymphocytes, or small white blood cells that fight invaders, that also means a stronger and healthier you.
Lie down on your belly, keeping the arms alongside your body. Tuck your chin to lengthen your neck. If you’re comfortable, rest your forehead on the mat. Bend your knees and reach for your feet or ankles. Smoothly and slowly, lift the head up off the floor, raising the chin and the chest. Press your feet back into your hands, gently lifting your knees off the floor. In the final posture, the knees and the chest come up to the same height off the floor. Breathe slowly and deliberately into the belly. If your breath is short and choppy, you’re overstrain. Once your muscles begin to tire, slowly release. This should take five to eight breaths. Turn the head to either side and rest on the belly. Repeat two more times.
Shoulderstand creates pressure on the thyroid gland at the base of the throat, stimulating proper function in the endocrine system, which works with the nervous system and the immune system to help the body cope with stresses and, therefore fight invaders better
Make sure that the surface you are practicing on is soft enough for your upper back. You may practice on the carpet, use a doubly folded mat, or place a blanket just under the base of your neck, with your neck and head on the floor. Lie down on your back with your arms alongside the body. Raise your legs up toward the ceiling, and pressing the arms into the floor, smoothly swing the legs up overhead. Letting your legs hang over the head (or knees resting on forehead), place your palms on your back, and press into the back to support the weight of the body. Your elbows are on the ground. Inch your elbows closer together and lift the legs straight up toward the ceiling. It’s not necessary for your legs to be perfectly straight. Just keep reaching up gently with the feet, breathing naturally, and mindfully watching the blood flow and how you feel. If you need to cough, sneeze, or swallow, slowly come out of the pose. Try to stay for at least a minute up to five minutes.
To come out, slowly lower your legs over your head into Plow. Place your arms down by your side. Using your arms as brakes, slowly, with control, roll down one vertebrae at a time to lie on your back. Take a few breaths on the back to feel the effects. As a gentler alternative, you can prepare with the Bridge pose.
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