Yoga for a Whole
Body Pleasure

By Kristen Dollard

2 poses to help you experience even more pleasure during sex


If you think the Kama Sutra is a book about how to have titillating sex, think again.

According to Derek Beres, a New York City yoga teacher, it’s chauvinistic (player leaves his wife at home after 100 years of mediation and has his way with nymph du jour). “It’s not meant to be written about, but to be experienced,” Beres says.

Agreed. Let’s get to it.

“While having sex, the male should not ejaculate immediately,” Beres says. When you feel the urge to cum, you should draw the semen in and up as opposed to allowing it to exit: You draw your “energy”, or your “life force”, back to you.
The result: whole-body orgasm rather than the toe tingling or collision of your body into hers in a mad I’m almost there get off fest. Ironically, your best climax results when “the goal is exploring the other person, not achieving the end,” Beres says.

In yoga there are poses that teach men to draw your energy inward as opposed to spending it in explosive ways such as at the end of a wind sprint or when trying to jump like Lebron James. The practical application here is gaining control so that your mind is razor-sharp. This type of self-control can result in improved job performance and a sudden meteoric rise.

If you want to do some more research on yoga and sex, be warned: Beres says some texts advise one ejaculation per every 100 sexual encounter. “But that’s a little extreme (and bad for the prostrate),” he says. It will result in an increased desire for her, but we’ll leave that up to you.

Chair Pose
1. Stand in Mountain pose: Arms at sides, sternum lifted. Bend your knees deeply. Squeeze your inner thighs together and straighten your arms, lifting them above your head and stretching your fingertips toward the sky.

2. Accentuate the lift in your arms and chest so your upper spine is in a slight backbend. Tuck your pelvis. Shoot for 10 breaths. Feel that butt-burn?

Hint: Lift your toes up off the floor, squat deeper, and press your heels into the floor to get greater benefits from the pose.


16 Jul 2008, 06:03
send chair pose and camel pose

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