Option 1
1. Start on all fours with wrists 6 to 12 inches in front of shoulders.
2. Separate knees hip-width apart and curl the toes under.
3. Pushing evenly into your palms, lift your knees off the floor.
4. Lift sit bones toward the ceiling and straighten legs so your body looks like an inverted letter “V.” (It’s okay if your heels are off the floor.)
5. Hold for two breaths.
6. Next, transfer weight forward into the top of a push-up position (Plank).
7. Push through the balls of the feet and keep the core strong. Don’t let the back round or arch.
8. Shift the gaze so you’re looking down at the mat in front of you (this will keep the neck long).
9. Hold for two breaths.
10. Push back into Downward-Facing Dog, rolling from the balls of your feet to your heels. Repeat the sequence again.
Option 2
1. Begin in Downward-Facing Dog.
2. Transfer weight forward into the top of a push-up position (Plank).
3. Push through the balls of the feet and keep the core strong. Don’t let the back round or arch.
4. Shift the gaze so you’re looking down at the mat in front of you. This will keep the neck long.
5. Hold for two breaths.
6. Push back into Downward-Facing Dog, rolling from the balls of your feet to your heels. Repeat the sequence again.