Forget the double espresso—coffee offers only a fleeting boost of energy, while yoga boosts and sustains your energy all day long. This sequence will energize a tired body and mind.
This pose is excellent for calming the nervous system after coffee-overload and it reduces fatigue and anxiety big time!
1. Stand with feet hip distance apart.
2. Lift the kneecaps to tighten the thighs.
3. Bend forward from the hips.
4. Lift the waist and move chest forward.
5. Bring your torso toward the thighs.
6. With your knees straight, bring your palms to the backs of your ankles.
7. Press the heels firmly into the floor and lift the butt bones toward the ceiling.
8. Let your head hang down.
Hold for 30 seconds- 1 minute.
Focus Points:
With each exhalation move more fully into the bend. Keep legs strong and straight.
Other Benefits:
Stimulates liver and kidneys. Relieves headache and insomnia. Reduces fatigue and anxiety.
Downward Facing Dog
Down Dog will definitely bring up your energy. It also increases the bloodflow to the brain, bringing with it oxygen and nutrients, ensuring a healthy functioning brain.
1. Place palms on floor in front of you.
2. Step legs back one at a time.
3. Feet should be in line with hands.
4. Spread fingers and press palms down.
5. Stretch arms forward, keep elbows straight.
6. Raise your butt up to sky and move thighs up and back.
7. Lower heels to the floor, feet point straight.
8. Relax your head and back of the neck.
Hold for 30 seconds- 1 minute.
Focus Points:
Keep legs firm and elbows straight as you lift your derriere to the sky!
Other Benefits:
Relieves depression. Increases flexibility of hips, knees and ankles. Calms the mind.
Extended Leg Intense Stretch Pose
This pose is soothing to the mind and spirits and alleviates anxiety and frayed nerves.
1. Stand with legs a comfortable width apart.
2. Put hands on hips.
3. Stretch torso forward, put hands on floor.
4. Lift kneecaps by tightening the thighs.
5. Keep legs straight and move thighs back.
6. Place crown of the head on the floor.
7. Press palms into the floor.
Hold for 30 seconds- 1 minute.
Focus Points:
Keep your weight over your legs, don't lean forward onto your head.
Keep arms parallel to each other.
Other Benefits:
Calms the mind. Strengthens legs and spine. Tones abdominal organs.
Downward Facing Bound Angle
Use this pose to relieve those energy zapping migraines and stress headaches.
1. Sit in front of a chair on several folded blankets.
2. Place a folded blanket on chair seat.
3. Bend knees, one at a time and place soles of feet together.
4. Sit up tall and lift the waist off the hips.
5. Keep your torso lifted as you lean forward and place hands on the chair seat.
6. Fold your arms and rest forehead on forearms.
Hold for 1- 3 minutes.
Focus Points:
Relax completely. Empty your mind of all tension and worry.
Other Benefits:
Relieves migraines and stress headaches. Counteracts nausea. Soothes nerves.
Reclined Bound Angle Pose
Bust fatigue with this heart-stimulating pose that also improves circulation.
1. Place a bolster lengthwise just behind butt.
2. Place a rolled blanket on far end of bolster.
3. Keep 2 rolled blankets within reach.
4. Stretch legs out in front of you.
5. Bend knees and put soles of feet together.
6. Draw heels close into body.
7. Place rolled blanket under each knee.
8. Lay back on your elbows.
9. Rest torso evenly on bolster.
10. Support head and neck on blanket.
11. Release arms to the side, palms up.
Hold for 5-10 minutes
Focus Points:
Relax completely. Let your face and jaw soften. Focus attention inward.
Other Benefits:
Relieves pre-menstrual and menstrual pain. Brings energy to reproductive organs. Loosens hips.
Corpse Pose
Deeply relaxes the entire body and soothes your sympathetic nervous system. The perfect pose to conclude any sequence.
1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor. Lean back on your forearms.
2. Slowly extend the right leg, then the left, pushing through the heels.
3. Release both legs, let feet drop to the side.
4. Lie back with your head resting on the back center of the skull.
5. Release the arms to the sides.
6. Turn the arms outward. Rest the backs of the hands on the floor.
7. Let the eyes sink to the back of the head.
Hold for 5- 10 minutes.
Focus Points:
Breathe slowly and deeply, let a sense of calm relaxation envelope your whole body. Concentrate on loosening tensions.
Other Benefits:
Brings deep relaxation and serenity. Helps lower blood pressure. Reduces headache and fatigue.