No more whining about your pathetic spaghetti-noodle arms or underarm flab that you jiggle in front of the mirror to torture yourself. In these arm strengtheners, "you're moving and lifting your own body weight with grace,'' Lechonczak says. And soon, with power.
Downward Dog Variation (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Get in Downward Facing Dog (your upside-down "V"), then create an air pocket under your palms by cupping your hands on the mat instead of placing them flat. Lift the palms so that only your fingertips touch the mat. You'll have to fire up the forearms by pressing the muscles from the elbow to the wrist into the mat to support your own body weight. (In a class use this variation in every Down Dog after you are warmed up.) Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, then return hands flat on the mat. (See page 28 for Seane Corn's expert guide to Downward Facing Dog.)
Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga)
The goal here, strangely enough, is to look like an alligator. By that we mean: Lying face-down, smoothly push your body off the ground just 2 to 3 inches and hold it there, palms flat, elbows squeezing tightly toward one another. Important: "Your belly isn't hanging down like a broken mule,'' Lechonczak says, choosing yet another not-very-attractive animal analogy. "Every muscle in the body is engaged and working in concert. You're one solid, integrated slab, with the legs, back muscles, and abdominals all firing like crazy." Don't do 50 of these biceps builders. Do 5 or 10 high-quality reps, each one better than the previous one.
Extra Credit: Reverse Chaturanga
Lie prone. Curl your toes under and place the palms of your hands flat on the mat beside your shoulders. Squeeze the elbows into the body. As you inhale, push your body up into Chaturanga. Exhale. On the next inhale, lift the body in one piece (hips in line with shoulders). Starting from that suspended position rather than the ground makes it muy dif�cil. "Try one or two of these at first and try to work up to 7 to 10 over time. They are tough puppies that'll kick your ass," Lechonczak says.